In this episode, we dive into our top organizing product picks of 2024. Whether you're tackling your home, helping a loved one, or looking for tools that blend function with style, this list has something for everyone.
We also share exciting updates about the podcast rebrand to Organize and Cherish. Stick around for the bonus category that’s sure to surprise you!
Find all of the links mentioned in this episode at
In This Episode, We Talk About:
- The top 10 organizing products for 2024, categorized by function and purpose.
- How to evaluate products for long-term durability and usefulness.
- Exciting news about the upcoming podcast rebrand and what it means for listeners.
Mentioned in This Episode:
- The Container Store's All-Weather Storage Bins as the home organizing product of the year.
- Artifacts, a digital platform for preserving family history and cataloging cherished items.
- Portable File Organizers with handles, perfect for caregivers managing important documents on the go.
The Organized & Productive podcast is brought to you by The Organized Flamingo and hosted by Stephanie Y. Deininger! For those of you who love the thought of organizing & being more productive, but don’t know where to start or constantly up against hurdles that don’t let you advance the way you want to, this podcast is for you!
Review full show notes and resources at
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Review Transcript:
Stephanie [00:00:00]:
Hey, everyone. Welcome to this week's podcast episode here at Organized and Productive, the podcast, soon to be Organize and Cherish, the podcast, which I have updates on for you, at the end of the episode. If you're brand new, don't you worry. We are still talking about all things organizing and productivity. If you have been here for a while, you know that we will be changing the name of the podcast to better align with the topics, their brand, and that we just talk and emphasize and focus on, which is more of the caregivers, sandwich generation, inherited items, how to organize those and cherish those types of items going forward, how to simplify your life, but also cherish all of the memories that come with the stuff. So we will be doing minor tweaks, but it is still all about organizing. We still will be having guests that will help you in your organizing journey. So I will give you some more updates on that at the end of the episode.
Stephanie [00:00:59]:
Okay. So let's talk about why you're here. If you have joined us this week, we are talking about one of our favorite topics that we do every year. I've been doing this type of list for over a decade, and that is compiling the products that we recommend and or have fallen in love with for the year. And this is the 2nd year I've done it on the podcast because this is the 2nd year we've had a podcast. But in previous years, if you've been with us long enough, I have shared this list either via email. If you're a client, I would have dropped off a pamphlet or some kind of printout where I outlined some of our favorite products that I think either you should try going forward or you would like. And so, anyway, so this year, we are doing the same thing like we do every year with a little bit of a tweak.
Stephanie [00:01:46]:
So what I'm gonna do is I have the 10 products that we absolutely love. There are some products that that are now we are now considering favorite legacy products. Meaning, it is a product that we just have loved for so many years that I'm not repeating myself again, and we are adding that product or those products to a legacy list. And I'll give you an example. One of those is, you know, the black and yellow type of bins that you will find at Home Depot, Lowe's. Most of the big boxes will have them. We're we're not aligning ourselves, or we're not completely convinced that one particular brand is better than the other, but it's it's the plastic, the black plastic, and yellow lid type of bins because of how they're usually made. And every brand will have their own dimensions anyway.
Stephanie [00:02:38]:
But that is an example of a legacy product because we have loved it time and time and time again. And instead of me adding it to the list every year and it just becomes repetitive, then I'm just adding it to the legacy list. Okay? So I will share in the new year where that list will live, where our legacy products, like the true ones, the ones that our clients have just loved through the years, we have loved, we have used, and recommend over and over. So that will live in the legacy list. And then every year, at the end of the year, I'll bring you what we have loved, either the new products, new, you know, new new ones that we were not made aware of, or maybe there were some changes that were made significant changes that were made to something we have always liked, and now we'd love it because they've elevated it. So then that will be added to that list for that year. And we would recommend it enough for you to continue to use it for the next year. Now some of you have asked in the past if there were have ever been any products that we have taken off our list or we regret recommending, and we do.
Stephanie [00:03:45]:
We don't have very many because if they've made the list I mean, truly, I mean, I take my job in this list very serious. I would never recommend something that is just there for the trends. Like, we have tried it. We have used it to the until the very end of its life, and hopefully, it outlived us, you know, for a long period of time. And the only reason we stopped using it was because we wanted something new. Like, we really do pride ourselves in the fact that we try these products so much and we test them and we are confident that they are something that we think will better your your life and it will help you and simplify and make your organizing journey a lot more efficient and simple. So that is, you know, our promise from our heart and from our testing, but that's not to say that in some years, maybe something there's a product that just is not convincing us. Maybe their quality has gone down, and we will remove those products.
Stephanie [00:04:45]:
So with that list, what I'm doing is each of these podcast episodes have it has its own blog post link as you will notice. And I always link our the products that we like for that year there. If anything needs to be altered, I will update that year that it was that I, you know, put it under that category and remove it from that year. And if I feel like it's significant enough to make it a call out, I will make sure to, like, do a blog post about it. If over time there's enough of them, then I will create a whole blog post. But, honestly, right now, there has maybe been 1, maybe 2 products that right now, I can think of that I would no longer recommend as much. And so I will go ahead and I'll change the blog post for the year. Okay? Alright.
Stephanie [00:05:31]:
Anyway alright. So let's let's get to the the fun stuff because I've been talking a lot about all the back end stuff and what this episode about is about, and you just wanna know what those 10 items are. First of all, if you go to the blog post that is associated to this podcast episode, you will find the full list. So if you're one of those people that goes to recipe blog pages and you're just like, I don't want to hear the back story. I don't really care. Just give me the 10 gosh darn items. Okay. Well, then you just head on over to the link while you're listening to this and download and look at all the all of the products.
Stephanie [00:06:11]:
But here's the thing. This year, and starting and going forward, I have 10 categories. And within the category, I'm talking about the product in general speak. So I'm going to have you look for an item that does this, and I'll tell you examples of products I have found in 2024 that I have loved. But what has happened in the past is that I'll recommend one particular product, and then you can no longer find it. They went out of business. They're no longer in stock. So even though the product is amazing, maybe someone else bought it, another company bought it, or, you know, whatever.
Stephanie [00:06:47]:
So instead of me trying to be so specific to the product link or type, I will I'll generalize it and then head on over to the link. And then in the Amazon storefront or in the blog post, I have the link of an example of what it would look like if you were to buy it. Just click on it, and then you can add it to your cart. But you don't have to buy that one. I just want you to see the image. And if you find something like that, then that's the one I would recommend. I do I will be noting, though, what to look out for if you're not buying the one that I recommend because you might be in the different part of the world and you might not have this item available exactly. Within every category that I have right now that you're about to listen to, I do give you what to look out for and what not to compromise on.
Stephanie [00:07:37]:
Okay? So if we use the example of the bin that I talked about that my, you know, tried and true, which is the black and yellow bin, then I talk about making sure that it's thick enough, that the plastic is thick enough for it doesn't feel flimsy. It does not it does not it it's a hardy the hardy type of black and yellow type of bins because that is what helps it not, crack. Like, when you go from indoors, outdoors, or there's different weather patterns wherever you live. Okay? So I'll give you things to think about, some of the specs, or requirements for it to be considered a a quality product. Alright? So here we go.
Stephanie [00:08:20]:
Welcome to the organized and productive podcast with the Organized Flamingo. I am your host, Stephanie, a professional organizer and productivity expert. Ready to explore the right organizing and productivity solutions for you? Yeah? Well, then let's
Stephanie [00:08:36]:
go. Okay. So the first category actually, let me give you the 10 categories if you're taking note. 1 is the home organizing product of the year or the one that I like the best. On the go organizing product, number 2. So on the go when you're traveling or you're constantly on the go, maybe in your car quite often or road trips. 3, preserving family history. Number 4, for helping loved ones in their organizing journey.
Stephanie [00:09:00]:
So when you're helping someone else, if you're the caregiver for someone else, then that's a category in itself. That's number 5. Number 6, it's the decorative decorative organizing product. So it's the type of items that are more pretty, but I really loved, and I think they could last a long time. The kitchen and pantry organizing product of the year, so that's number 7. Number 8 is the counter organizing product. That was a big category you all asked me this year about, and that is how to keep your counters simple and or clutter free or organized. So that's a a category in itself for this year, a counter organizing product.
Stephanie [00:09:41]:
Number 9 is a general productivity organizing product, so more on the productivity side. Number 10, we've got our eco friendly find. Then as a bonus, I've got a surprising product that, it's something more quirky, more, it doesn't really fit any category. So I just added it as a bonus that I think some of you will will really like. Okay. Alright. So let's start it get started with the number 1, which or the category number 1, which is a home organizing product. Alright.
Stephanie [00:10:10]:
So for this one, let's start with the basics. My favorite home organizing product of 2024 for just the home organizing in general was the container Store's plastic bin in general, like, their brand's plastic bin, like, family of bins. They just call them it's their original. It's their, all weather. A bin is really what what they call it. It's really their home product. It's a classic storage bin that's sturdy, it's stackable, and versatile. Now if you don't have a container store or this, you're listening to this after, and you either don't have one close by or you just don't want to get one from there.
Stephanie [00:10:51]:
The reason I loved it, what I love about it is that it's clear, you can see inside, it stacks really well. I have not had any clients say or complain about its sturdiness, and that is really important for all of you that stack. Now, if you're stacking it and not putting it on shelves, I just want you to make sure that you test out that lid and make sure that you can the the stuff that you're putting in it, it can contain it because if it can't, then you might need a shelving system between each of the bins. Sometimes, you can stack if the items are not as heavy, and sometimes, you just can't really do that. So that's what I would just make sure that you you test out with whichever bin you end up getting, that they can that they can stack easily and that they feel that they feel sturdy. Right? Because getting not all plastic is the same. If you go to, like, a Dollar Tree or more like the dollar bin type of places, you will notice that their plastic bins are are flimsier or just not as sturdy. They're not as thick, and so they they probably have a combination of materials that they made the plastic with.
Stephanie [00:12:02]:
I'm not necessarily saying there's anything wrong with that. It's just that for a versatile bin that you may use for different, materials and stuff, you might one day be storing your outdoor gear. Right? Like, your camping gear. And another day, you might be or another type time in your life, you will be storing yarn, and another time of your life, it'll be clothing. So I just want you to have a versatile type of bin in your home organizing journey, and that's one of the ones that I loved. It's not in the legacy list yet, the way that the black and yellow bins are, and the reason is is because The Container Store has made enough changes. I I really like consistency with bins. I like you to have one that you can go buy right now, and if the lid breaks or cracks or you lose it next year, you can get a replacement one.
Stephanie [00:12:56]:
Well, with The Container Store ones, they have changed they have made minor changes every couple of years that I am not quite convinced yet that that is a legacy product quite yet again, but I love it, and I would recommend it. So that's why I'm adding it for the 2024. You know, it's a classic storage bin. It's sturdy. It's stackable. It's versatile. So whether you're tackling your closets or your kids' playrooms or even seasonal storage, this is just a a great bin for that. An example of when I just used that for this year is I did help a client organize their craft supplies.
Stephanie [00:13:31]:
And, well, the transformation was great and it just because everything was it it just looked everything looked the same. It was for this particular client. They were looking for consistency in their organizing journey. So everything they just they don't like things to look different, like different colors or different materials. So this is what they needed and wanted and wanted to be able to see inside it easily. We did put labels on the front, so everything was labeled and accessible, and then it was just easy to maintain. But what I loved ultimately about this product and, when I did this client this recent client's craft room is that they did what I just mentioned, which was they accidentally cracked the lid. And not because of weight in this in their case, they just accidentally cracked it.
Stephanie [00:14:19]:
I think they stepped on it or something, and so we got a replacement really easily. Some stores will let you get a replacement. No problem. You just show them your receipt. And because you can get a virtual receipt, you know, you don't always have to if you lose the paper one, it's not the end of the world for the most part. So this is one of those times when it is beneficial to add your email and or your phone number to their system so that you can have a list of the items in their system. And then when you go, they know what you've gotten, and then they can replace it. So I would say this is one of the reasons you would want to add your name to their system.
Stephanie [00:14:54]:
Anyway, they were able to replace it for free. Now it's not always the case, so I just wanna make sure to add that. Okay? And I do not work for them, so just a heads up on that, but I just love their customer service in this case and that just made me realize how much I do love them and I wanted to add them for this year. On to the on the go organizing product that I want to add for this year's list. The pick for the on the go product are pouches. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Stephanie [00:15:21]:
Okay. Pouches have been amazing. Not the zip lock bag, plastic baggy. Okay? That's not what we're talking about here. We are talking about a pouch you can zip up or button up or close magnetically so that nothing can spill over. The product this type of product is perfect for keeping your car tidy, staying for your bag, for your briefcase. It's just so much easier to have things in pouches versus just letting them all loose in your bag. I don't know why I haven't added pouches, to be honest, to my list.
Stephanie [00:15:55]:
I've used these this type of organizing product for a really long time. One of my favorite types are anything that's clear and has really good zipper function, and it's been sewn very well. Some of you DIYers, if you can make your own pouches, amazing. It's the the name of the game here is there's 3 things. 1, you know what's inside it. I know that's very vague, but let me talk to you about this. Some of you need it to be clear. You want to be able to immediately pick up the pouch and see what's inside of it, which is why ziplock type of bags or plastic baggies are so popular for this, but they're not always the best option because they can puncture very easily, and they can feel a little bit more messy unless anyway, unless you're using, like, the same type any and really that's not what they're for.
Stephanie [00:16:47]:
Most of the time, they're food grade or they're not made to to last long term. You know, I'm talking, like, on your everyday use. Not all of them. But you like to be able to see what's inside, and that's why they're so popular, and I get that. So get yourself a clear one or an opaque one that you can at least somehow kind of see what's inside. If that feels too cluttered for you or you don't want people to see what's inside of it, then just get one that you can easily put a label on it on the outside because not all pouches you can do that. If you have a fabric pouch, you might have a hard time putting a label on it because it won't stick unless you sew it on there. Okay.
Stephanie [00:17:28]:
So just make sure that whatever pouch you get, you know what's inside it or you can easily label it without the label coming off all the time. The other part of of why these are such great type of products is because they don't spill over. So make sure that you get something that has a very good zipper or and or it's just stitched really, really well. So sometimes it could sometimes it could be like a magnet that sticks very well, whatever your preference is, especially, for some of you who just have different ways that you like to open. Maybe you have a loved one that, you know, has a hard time opening zippers or buttons or anything like that. You might need more of a magnet type of closure for the pouches. So whatever your preference is, just make sure it's hardy, that it's easy for you to open and close, and you can see inside of it. I mean, I this is this is one more on my personal list.
Stephanie [00:18:22]:
I've used it to store everything from snacks, like my kiddos snacks are in it, chargers for emergency, These, like, chargers, like emergency kits. It's been I mean, it's really I have loved it because not everything is getting lost in my bag. I am the the most notorious person to lose things in my bag. I'm a professional organizer, and I I at least what I do do is I clear out my bag on a regular basis, but I I'm notorious for losing things in my bags. So pouches just help me not lose it as often, and it always has a home, like, all this my stuff has a home to go to. So it's helped me very, very much. And then, you know, you can always just clear out one patch at a time and you can always move the stuff from one bag to another. So that really helps.
Stephanie [00:19:07]:
Let's go on to our number 3. This is all about preserving family history. So you know how much I value preserving family memories. I think this is one of the things that makes us really different. We don't just tell you to throw everything away unless, that's the journey you're on or it's unhealthy or there's hazardous material in there. But outside of that, we understand that that is very important to most families. So my favorite product in this category is artifacts. So I'm naming artifacts as the actual product.
Stephanie [00:19:40]:
This is one of the only ones that I am being a little more specific about, but if you don't use artifacts, just use something where you can log in and all of your family members can log in to document the stuff that has a history or that you want to make sure you have pictures of so you are categorizing it. It's almost like a catalog. So whatever system you end up using, great. Just make sure that you can download the information from the site just in case they're no longer in service or you just wanna download it. Right? And so artifacts has been one of my most favorite ones as of lately, but pick whichever one that is technology friendly so that you can download whenever you need it and that you can share with other people. So if your family member wants to document, you know, their some of the furniture furniture pieces that they have, this is, like, one of those great moments where they can just take a picture, tell the story about that item, upload the story and the picture to whatever platform you use, and then keep track of it that way. Again, there is a great platform out there called Artifacts. I will put it in the show notes where you can do this, and they they've built an entire platform for this, and I love them for it and I think it's a great product.
Stephanie [00:20:53]:
So, not only will it protect the memories, but also just makes it easier to share them with loved ones and not have to collect dust because I understand not everybody wants to keep all of these things. They just want to keep the memories. Let's head on over to our number 4, and this one's for helping loved ones in their organizing journey. So if you are a family member or a neighbor or a friend that is helping someone declutter, downsize, and or organize, This is one of those products that I think you're going to love. So this is the the label maker. Okay. So I know labels. I've mentioned labels before.
Stephanie [00:21:29]:
It actually will go in the legacy list going forward after this year, but what I I wanted to talk about is get yourself a really a nice label maker that you can use from your phone. So why do I say from your phone versus the regular handheld type of, you know, you put in the ribbon and then you can create a label out of that. I have one of those in, like, a brother type and I loved it. It's been it's been with me forever more. The ones that from the phone are just really nice because if you want to take a picture of what's inside, you can also do that. You know, put it in the label and then also type whatever is inside and then print from your phone to the wireless printer. So there is a wireless printer that Kodak makes. That that one's one of my favorites, but it could be whichever.
Stephanie [00:22:19]:
The reason I just say generic, I just mean something that you can print from your phone because that is where you will be taking the pictures. Right? So let's say you're helping a loved one move or downsize, and you want to make sure that they know how they left their their cords. Like, let's say their television setup or their home entertainment setup. Right? It's it's got a lot of cables. So before you take anything down and dismantle it, take a picture of what the back the front and the back looks like, like, where everything is hooked up and connected. And before you unplug it, take the picture, put it in that label or that printout, and then attach that printout or label in with the box of all of the items of the you will be packing, like, this whole, you know, let's say, like, cables or computer setup or whatever. So that when you and or your loved one, your friend unpacks it or the movers, they know how to put it back. That will simplify life so much.
Stephanie [00:23:15]:
So get yourself some type of label maker that you have the ability to to add pictures and or print from your phone. Let's head on over to item number 5, and that is for caregivers that are helping someone else. So this one's for you, my beautiful, amazing caregivers that have to help others or get organized as well as as well as in their own life. Right? So my favorite organizing product for all of you is a portable file organizer. Yes. I mean, I'm sure many of you probably already have one of these, but the name of the game here is one that you can easily carry. It's so it's small enough that you can put in your card, you can carry, you can pass on. So something that has a handle.
Stephanie [00:24:03]:
I've never talked about this topic before because there are so many portable file boxes. I mean, especially, I don't know, for for all some of us that are probably a little bit older that worked in an office or that where we had a lot of, files and we would have to travel around maybe for you real estate agents. Or if you worked in an office and you had meetings all over the world, maybe, you know, you would have your, rolling like, your rolling briefcase or you might still have one. But, nowadays, most a lot of the documents, like, office documents, you can now access on your computer, so it's not as popular. But, anyway, so you would have your rolling briefcase. Right? And you would carry it that way. But when you're a caregiver, yeah, you have your own stuff, but you also have stuff that you may have to pass on to, you know, maybe other family members or the caregiving facility or whatever it may be. So you will always have to, like, do this exchange, and that's what I have seen happen quite a bit.
Stephanie [00:25:00]:
So I've never talked about it because there was just so many products out there, and I just felt like most of you, you know what you like. And I I couldn't really narrow it down to what what would be, like, the one aspect of a carry on file holder. Like, what is that the the one quality that I was looking for for for you? And I finally figured it out after working with so many of you throughout the years and this year. And that was the hand like, what something that has a handle and that is easy to carry. I have one that, the 2 clients this year got and they loved, so I put it on the show notes. But, basically, you just wanna have comfort, comfort that you can carry it around. It it's easy for you to carry. So we're not talking banker boxes.
Stephanie [00:25:47]:
Okay? Because because banker boxes, they're cardboard, number 1, and they can get wet and damaged. There is a time and a place for a banker box, but not not for this. 2, it's when you have multiple bags and you're trying to get in your car and out of your van and checking in people and checking them out and you're on the phone and you're trying to look for whatever document for your loved one, then this is where I want you to have something that's easy to carry and bring along whenever you need it. So something with a good handle, comfortable handle, and something that can maybe either even, like, go over your shoulder so that you can carry it if you if you need to. Yes. If it has wheels, all that good stuff. Sure. But I would rather you be able to carry it on the go and not have to make this entire like, it's not luggage.
Stephanie [00:26:33]:
We're not talking about luggage here. We're just talking about something that's portable, like a portable file organizer, compact enough that fits into your busy day. That's the type of item that I want you to look for. And, again, the product that I recommended has helped a couple of the clients, so I'm adding it to this list, and I want you to be on the lookout for that. We've got number 6, decorative organizing product. Okay. So I added this category this year because I always feel so square when I'm giving you some of these lists, and they're not as fun. Like, I think some of you are looking for something fun.
Stephanie [00:27:07]:
And I thought, you know what? I am a fun person. I do have fun ideas. I promise it's not always just, you know, the boring plastic bins. No. No. Like, we also like the aesthetic feel, and I get why you like it too. So this year, I'm adding more of a decorative type of product, and that is the baskets, but that have a lid. So okay.
Stephanie [00:27:28]:
Let me let me elaborate. More specifically, a big enough woven basket that's stylish that you can stand up pretty easily. So you want it to be sturdy. Let me tell you how many times I have been in a home where they got these baskets, like cloth fabric type of baskets to put their pillows or the toy you know, the the kids' toys or the blankets or whatever, maybe dog toys, everything in there. It's in the living room, but it's not sturdy enough. So then it just gets all floppy and yucky and sad, and then it's just immediately thrown away. I've seen so many of those, and it just makes the room feel so tired and unorganized, the opposite of what you wanted it to be because it's not sturdy enough to hold the things that you need. But then if you get a sturdy type of bin, it's just so, it's not soft.
Stephanie [00:28:23]:
Right? You're looking for something soft and warm in your home. So a woven type of basket. Now I have one after so many of my clients have used them. I finally got myself one. I loved it so much. So anything that has a woven sturdy feel like a rope, it's sturdy enough, but warm and comfortable in your home. It fits your aesthetic. And that has a lid.
Stephanie [00:28:45]:
The lid is really the bonus. And what I kinda want you to focus on, if it doesn't have a lid, then it's not the end of the world or maybe that's not your style. I understand. But the lid is kind of what makes it look a little bit more put together, in my opinion, and what I have seen works. And those are the ones that people keep the most. The ones that don't have a lid, I have seen people just not love them long term and we are decluttering them all the time, getting rid of them all the time. You're always buying a new one because it looks and it makes the room feel a little messy. It just kind of adds a little bit of elegance.
Stephanie [00:29:16]:
It's functional. It's very lightweight. You can wash it. So it's just has been one of my favorite products. I made an entire podcast episode on bins, what types of bins are out there, what to look out for. So you know that the fabric, if you've listened to that, you know, you know that I've talked about how these woven and fabric type of organizers, though, they do need to be sturdy, like I just mentioned, but also they can collect different types of just dust. So just make sure that the room that you're putting it in, it's it it functions in that room. So I would not put a woven fabric type of container in a garage, for instance.
Stephanie [00:29:58]:
So, you know, go ahead and listen to that episode, all about bins, if you have any more questions, but, just be on the lookout for that. Okay. Let's go to our number 7, which is the kitchen and pantry organizing product that I would recommend for this year. And this year, they're almost like bread boxes. Okay? They're I don't have a correct name till this day because you can find them under different searches. Essentially, they're they're they're kinda like bread boxes or potato or onion boxes. Some of the most most popular searches that I have found them under, basically, they're like they have these little openings that you can, you know, stuff stuff inside when you just quickly need to put stuff away. What I love about them is actually this is this kind of goes into our next category, which is the counter organizing product.
Stephanie [00:30:48]:
I have a different counter organizing product. Don't worry. But that's why I love it for the same reason, because you can just open, put everything in that it's it's almost like a cap like a rolling cabinet, and then just close it and be on your merry way. I don't want you to necessarily shove a mess or clutter in there. That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is just that it's it's just much easier to place things in there when you can just kind of scoot them in there versus having to go deep into the cabinet and move things around so that you can put something away. So anything that's shallow and you can see and you can easily put stuff inside, that's the type of product. It just happens to be the the visual looks like a bread box, and you can just easily access it whenever you need to put stuff inside.
Stephanie [00:31:39]:
Great for the smaller items. Yes. Spices, but almost, anything that's, like, small too too small to fit into your cabinets because they will get lost, but big enough that they do need to be put away and you can't just leave them out, if that makes sense. So, also, a great option for if you have, you know, animals or anything like like that, like your dogs maybe that you would love, you know, to counter serve after everybody is done eating or you've gone to sleep and then they sneak their way down to your cabinet or to your counter, this is a great option for that where you can just put everything away under a closed container. So that's the type of item. So that's my my item for this year. I saw I had a client's house. We did her ranch.
Stephanie [00:32:26]:
We've been decluttering her ranch, and she uses these these types of bin not bins. Excuse me. I wanna say bins because they're a container, essentially, but kind of like a cabinet. It's like a cabinet meets a bin. Right? And I just loved it because it's just so easy to put stuff away, and it just makes it look very sleek. So that was my one of my favorite items for this year and I've never had or added 1 in the past and I like it enough to add it this year. Alright. So let's talk about counter.
Stephanie [00:32:54]:
Let's segue right into that because that's actually the the motivation and inspiration for that bread box type of cabinet that I just talked about. But now we're going to talk about counter organizing products, and that is something that you can put underneath your cabinet that hangs, but it's not too heavy. So I'm gonna give you some examples. Head on over to the show notes so you can visually see it. But, basically, anything like a basket, anything that you can just hang from the top, but won't take your cabinet down. We do not want that. That's certainly not what we're looking for here. So anything that you can I'm a big vertical person.
Stephanie [00:33:33]:
I think that is one one of the most underutilized places. I've made an entire podcast episode about it. I am so so focused on that category because most people forget that they have either the walls or the ceiling. I'm not saying that you should be hanging things from your ceiling, like, everything, you know, but pots and pans. There's so many things you can hang very nicely, elegantly, simply from your ceiling or vertical spaces like under the cabinet that would save you some counter space. And one of those one of those places one of those things that you can be getting are the basket, like, the fruit basket type so that you can put stuff on there instead of them just laying on your counter. So that is the counter organizing product of this year. I added that category this year because there was a few.
Stephanie [00:34:23]:
I'm talking oh, I don't know. I wanna say a good 13 of you that either texted me, called me. We worked on maximizing your counter space. So I thought, okay. It was big enough, and that's a big that's a large amount for us. Okay. Of 12, 13 people that have the exact same request all at once is kind of big. So either something was trending in the social media world or Pinterest or something that all of you were looking at how to simplify your counter space.
Stephanie [00:34:51]:
So vertical space or vertical baskets that can go underneath your shelf or cabinets that won't weigh it down, but you can clear some of the counter space items and put it in the basket instead of it living on your counter will help with this department. Let's head on over to our number 9, which is the general productivity organizing product that I have for you this year. Alright. So let's talk about the online space. Okay? So or not online, but the digital space. So digital space organizing, I mean, we can go down that rabbit hole as well, but I wanted to talk about one specific product that I think will help you with your organizing with, productivity more specifically, and that is your notes section of your phone. Okay. I I'm chuckling a little bit because it's so simple.
Stephanie [00:35:41]:
I've talked about your notes section being a really easy, semi free. I mean, you paid for the phone and your the service is on your phone, so it's not really free, but it comes with. Right? It's included in what you're already paying, and you might be underutilizing it. For this year, I've got that on the list. Your notes section is amazing. It has quite a few capabilities. If you are staying kind of up to date on the Apple or Google updates, Google, Android, any of the services, then you know that they've developed and released new capabilities for your note sections such as in the Apple note section, you can now do headings and subheadings. So when you're searching for something in your notes, you can minimize that whole section.
Stephanie [00:36:27]:
So if you're writing notes, let's say, you know, like a all these notes, like your weekly planner, like, what you have to do or your to do list or your grocery list, like Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, etcetera, Then you Monday can be its own heading, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, so on and so forth, or by grocery store. Right? Whatever grocery store, it's like by category. And then that becomes its heading, a subheading, and then you write your list, your to do list under each one. And then you can just minimize each of those sections. They're not just all this run on forever long list where everything gets lost. You can search very quickly, and then you can max like, you can just look at whatever you need. So, really, what your doc your Word doc or Google Docs can do, your notes section can do, but but in a much simpler shortened way, and I love that because I think it helps with your productivity. You can also use voice commands.
Stephanie [00:37:20]:
You could also use a timer. Like, say, you need a reminder, you can just write a note for yourself and say, hey. You know, on your notes, say, hey. Please add a reminder on my phone for today at 4 o'clock to go pick up this or whatever it may be. So I think the note section in all of our phones has has come a long way. If you're not afraid to use technology a little bit more than normal, this is a great product you're probably already paying for, and it will help you in your productivity for the upcoming year. Alright. So our last one is the eco friendly product of the year.
Stephanie [00:37:58]:
And the re so for for this entire as a whole in general, we really try to be eco friendly here where we can repurpose as much as we can. We can ensure that it will be utilized again. So that is, you know, that's a big effort for us. We also understand that when you're in a bind or when you need to downsize and you need to make change right now, sometimes being eco friendly takes a bit of a a second, back seat, if you will, or not as a priority. So for our eco friendly product, if you will, is more of a service, And this service is all about finding a junk hauler that specializes in finding homes for the items. I know not every region has this, so I was almost afraid to add it in here, but I just think it's important enough to find a service that can do this for you. So what I want you to look for so we have some here in Colorado, and I have that on our directory list over on our website. But if you're not in Colorado, you're in the US, what I want you to look for is and are junk haulers.
Stephanie [00:39:08]:
If it's a pro organizer that you're working with, ask them to look for a junk hauler that will donate the items and they can tell you where they're donating it. Here in Colorado, we have, one in particular. What they do is they'll take everything, they'll give you a quote, and then they will, give it to people that are in need of furniture. So they take furniture. They take clothing as well and other things, but mainly really just furniture is their big focus, which is one of the biggest things that ends up in the landfill and unused. So they find homes like a couch, a mattress, they find homes for those items in people's apartments or new homes or new beginnings so that they can have a a second life or 3rd or 4th. So if that is a priority for you, look for companies and junk haulers that, will do that and can showcase that they will do that. If you can't find 1, hire someone that will do it for you.
Stephanie [00:40:06]:
And the way that you can do that is contract them to look for 3 or 4 places that will accept, like, have them make like, if you have an assistant maybe, or if you want to take this on or you want to task maybe, your kiddos to do this or something, have them call 3 to 4 places that will be able to find places for these items and then have them either delivered or picked up. So that is a service that I would love to talk about because not everything is about buying, buying the best products. Right? Sometimes products are services, and I hope that this one will bring you an eco friendly, direction for your stuff when you're on your organizing journey. Okay. So for our honorable mention, for the bonus, is a very random one, I think. But you're going to but just like hang hang hang with me. Okay? You're going to understand why I put this in the honorable and not as one of the actual lists because I'm I'm still thinking about it. But it's buckets.
Stephanie [00:41:05]:
I know. Buckets. Buckets technically can be considered a bin, but they're not. Okay? I mean, they are and they're not. Get a bucket with the lid. So the reason I'm adding this as an honorable mention is because more and more of you this year have used this for cords. So and then, of course, with the tie, like, a zip tie or something, a really good holder. I've had a holder for ties on our previous lists.
Stephanie [00:41:29]:
Okay. So head on over to our resources page and, anyway, I'll put that in the show notes as well. But, more and more of you that I worked with than ever before have actually used your buckets. I think now there's so many left over from just life paint that you've recycled. Maybe you went to, you know, Home Depot, Lowe's, Ace, whatever, and then they gave you a bucket or you purchased a bucket, and they're producing more. So I think somehow, someway, in the last year or 2, I've seen more buckets being used for organizing. And some of you that are, like, not new to this and you're like, yeah, I have that's old news. I have, like, a 100 of them.
Stephanie [00:42:06]:
Okay. Well, great. But here's why I'm adding it this year. It's because, now they're more they're readily available. They're more they're very sturdy. So buckets have been a great way for you to organize. They seal very nicely and then easy to find replacement lids because they come by the gallon. So that is why I'm adding it as a bonus type of bin.
Stephanie [00:42:28]:
I'm going to be on the lookout to see if this is a good legacy product. I'm not sure because of its shape. It's harder to it just occupy it's just harder to you can stack it, but it's harder to put away, and it takes up a little bit more room because of its circular shape versus the square or the rectangle type of bins. And, you know, when you put them all together, there's this, like, empty space in a square, excuse me, in a circle, bucket type, but they're great for cables. They're great for anything that is is flexible enough for you to, put in there. So it just buckets are in there, are in the are on the list. And if you would like to ask your neighborhood or local paint shop, paint shop or anything like that, they might have some that they can give to you. If, of course, you're looking for more of the aesthetic feel, the inside, for the inside, I don't know if I would recommend this, although I know some of you who like to get items by the bulk.
Stephanie [00:43:25]:
You will get the big item that comes in a bucket, and then you'll use that and then decant and or transfer from the bucket. So let's say things like rice or beans or grains that you can get in a by by the bulk. You'll get them in a tub or you'll get them in a round bucket, and then you will take the items from that bucket and then put them in a smaller bin or container, and then you put that in your kitchen or bathroom, whatever maybe, for soap and things like that. So some of you are all are already doing it. But if you're not, this could be a really great product for you to try and see if it simplifies your life and it stacks up nicely and it keeps you organized. So try different shapes, in this case, a round container and or a bucket. So there you have it, our top organizing products of 2024. I hope this list inspired you to try something new or gave you ideas for your own organizing projects.
Stephanie [00:44:19]:
Remember that the right tools can make all of the difference, whether you're working on your own space or helping someone you love. When you have the right tool, the right thing to keep you organized, you will sustain it long term. If you've tried any of these products though, I'd love to hear from you and what your thoughts have been. Let me know if you haven't and if you will be. You can find all of our links and details in the show notes, and don't forget to follow us on social media, the org at the organized flamingo for more organizing tips and updates. Alright. I have some quick news, so just stick around for one more minute. This has to do with the changes with the podcast.
Stephanie [00:44:56]:
We will be renaming our podcast organized and cherish. Like I mentioned, you if you already follow us and download us automatically, then there should be no interruption to the services. But if you don't follow us, make sure that you do Alright. And with that being said, happy organizing and until next week.
Stephanie [00:45:15]:
Thank you for listening to the organized and productive podcast with the organized flamingo. If you enjoyed today's episode, I would love it if you'd leave a rating and review on your favorite podcast player. It helps with letting people know that we're here. For full show notes and resources, head on over to the organized Happy organizing.