77: Check These Things Off Before You Go On Vacation (Replay)

If you are traveling soon, this episode is perfect for you. Whether you're flying, driving, or taking any other mode of transportation, we are providing you with valuable advice to ensure you have a stress-free, safe and organized trip. From preparing for emergencies to managing finances, taking care of pets and plants, and handling personal and business matters, we’ve got you covered. So grab a pen and paper or get your digital note-taking device ready as we take you through the checklist.

Replay with a new intro and bonus tip. Original Episode 45 Air Date: November 27, 2023

Join our weekly email newsletter for the check-list freebies: https://theorganizedflamingo.com/quicklinks

In this episode we talk about:

  • Organizing Tips for a Relaxing Getaway
  • Who to contact when you are out of town
  • Customizing the checklist to suit individual needs
  • Actions to consider before you head out of town for a long period of time

Mentioned in this Episode:

“Before you go on a trip” Instagram Reel: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cqq3J-8JDwF/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


The Organized & Productive podcast is brought to you by The Organized Flamingo and hosted by Stephanie Y. Deininger! For those of you who love the thought of organizing & being more productive, but don’t know where to start or constantly up against hurdles that don’t let you advance the way you want to, this podcast is for you!

Review full show notes and resources at https://theorganizedflamingo.com/podcast

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Review the Transcript:

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:00:00]:
Hi The, and welcome to a replay of the Organized and productive podcast. This week, we do have a replay from a few seasons ago. And the reason I'm doing a replay is because we are gearing up for summer if you're listening to this on a and of, like, a timely basis of when this is originally airing. And so you're going on a lot of, like, these summer vacations or trips or mini staycations. Right? So, we thought it would be helpful to revisit that episode on preparing to go on a trip and or vacation. Before we jump into the replay, here's a bonus summer tip. Don't forget to adjust your thermostat before you leave. I didn't quite highlight this in the original version, so this is 1 of the advantages of listening to this again and intro and listening to the intro because I always will add anything that I have learned along the way.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:00:53]:
So the so the temperature part is you this was going to help you just, of course, save energy and money while you're away. But depending on the season and climate, you can at least make sure that you're aware of what it might do to your house and and your belongings because we have been talking quite a bit about taking care of your stuff. And if you're going to be gone for a long period of time or you have things that need to be in a climate controlled area, I just want you to make sure to be aware of it. Maybe it's not a big deal. Maybe most of your stuff is really just everyday things that don't require you to look into The, but if you do, then I just want you to be aware that the thermostat is a good important thing for you to look at before you head on your trip. So let's dive right back into this episode and where I'm giving you the favorite organizing tips for long term for long trips. We do cover everything from emergency preparedness, finances, taking care of pets and plants, just this checklist that we, sometimes need someone to remind us of. So that's what this episode is a refresher about.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:02:01]:
And then by the end of the episode, you'll have a peace of mind knowing that you've been taken care of, that somebody's watching out for you and reminding you about all these things that you may not have thought of with the motions and the commotions of what it takes to go on a trip. So that's what I'm here for and what this episode is all about. Alright. Happy travels until next week. Welcome to the Organized and productive podcast with The Organized flamingo. I'm your host, Stephanie, a professional organizer and productivity expert. Ready to explore the right organizing and productivity solutions for you? Yeah? Well, then let's go. So on theme with most of our podcasts, I like to give you a table of contents, if you will, just, of what's to come in this episode so that you can plan accordingly because, after all, we are organizers here, and we like to give people the heads up on what's to come.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:02:58]:
So what we're gonna do today is I'm gonna give you some of our favorite tips on what to do when you're heading out of town, like things that you can preplan ahead of time. And there's about 6 sections. So they're short, so don't you worry. They're not, like, 6 long sections. I wouldn't say The are 6 tips because within each section, there's, like, 1 or 2 tidbits that I'd like to give you. And the reason that these tips are some of our favorites here at The Organized Flamingo and what we like to remind people of before they head out on vacation or long trips is because we have noticed that these are the things that when they're done or at least considered ahead of time, then people just tend to enjoy their vacation or time off a little bit more because it gives them a peace of mind that these things were taken care of in some way, shape, or form. Now some of these may not apply to you, and some of these will be will need extra attention. Okay? So we are obviously giving you a generic list, but it's a list The has been vetted by us and we think is it has some of the most popular things that people worry about on their vacation.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:04:05]:
As always, if you would like your own personalized list of things to consider before you head out out of town, then give us a call, send us a message, and we will provide that over to you more specifically and more personalized. Okay. So let's talk about checklist for just a second because the tips I'm about to give you serve really well if you do it as a checklist or you create a checklist based out on the tips we're about to give you. Now checklists are meant to work for the mission that you're trying to accomplish. So there's going to be different checklists for everybody. And depending on what your mission statement is, like, is this you're trying to make sure that everything is taken care of so that when you come back from your vacation, you want to feel less stressed. Like, that is a mission in itself. Be as specific as possible.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:04:57]:
For some people, their vacation mission statement is to enjoy the time away and not have to worry about anything back home. If so, then your checklist is going to reflect that. Okay. So that's out of the way. Now that you have your piece of paper or your digital note taking device out, let's start making your list. The first section is about in case of an emergency. That's what we're going to title it. It's all about, Okay.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:05:22]:
If something were to happen, if I needed help, especially if you're going overseas or you're going to a foreign country somewhere where you've never been or any of those, then this is an even more important section. The in case of the emergency. So notify family and friends, anybody that you were close to, you trust. Let them know of your travel plans and how to contact you in case of an emergency. Again, if you are going to a place that has limited cell phone service, Wi Fi, any of that, then there should be at least a way to contact you even if it means that they will need to reach you with a, you know, donkey and a 2 mile hike. Let them know that that is the only way they will be able to reach you, but at least and or 2 people, several if you really ideally would like, but at least up and person so they know. Make copies of your travel itinerary, pass passport, and other important documents, and leave them with that trusted friend or family member. The further away you're going, the, you know, the furthest away or or the a place you've never been is even more important to let somebody know where you will be.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:06:28]:
Print out copies of important phone numbers such as your hotel, the emergency contacts, all of The. In case you cannot access your phone, it it breaks, anything were to happen with your digital life and your digital organizing system, if that were to happen when you're going out of town for a really long time, we highly suggest that you at least print out a quick and pager with those important phone numbers, things like where your hotel is, the address, all of that, just so that you have it handy and you have a backup. For our next section here is the money and finance section. This is where you will set up your bill payments or make arrangements for someone to pay your bills while you're away. This is the section where at least you think about it. If it means that you're taking the payment with you, I know a lot of people need to mail it out. So if that's still you, then make sure that you bring an envelope and stamp and whatever method of be making the payment will be with you so that you can send it out while you're away. This is also the section where you will notify your bank and credit card companies of your travel plans.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:07:32]:
So the further away or the most obscure places that you go to, the more this is important because your note your bank may notify you or maybe giving you some red flags saying, hey. There is someone using your credit card in a place that we don't recognize. So you definitely wanna call them ahead of time so that you limit those red flags. I have seen many clients who do that and still get the red flags. Honestly, I'd rather get the notifications than not. It's supposed to be there for your Productive. So I I personally welcome them. I know a lot of clients have gotten them before even though they notify their bank and credit card companies up ahead of time.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:08:12]:
But, hey, you can only do so much and at least if anything, you will have documented that you told your credit card company and, you know, if there's any issues there, at least you told them ahead of time. This will also prevent any fraud prevention if you are in a place where, you know, of course, that you did not approve of. And The way, it's recorded in some way, shape, or form. So notify those financial institutions. Really quick, also as part of notifying your banking credit card company, you should also let them know that you might be logging in from a computer or device that is outside of your usual locations. That also applies to Wi Fi and all of that. Okay? So if you're going to a place that like a foreign country where the web, you know, the socials is a little different, the connectivity is a little bit different, you definitely will wanna let them know. You may not be able to log in online.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:09:06]:
And so this is where at least you thinking about that will be really important so that when you are away and you can't log in to your bank application and your app or your website, you're not surprised. At least you understand that that may happen, and you have made arrangements to take care of that stuff ahead of time in case you're not able to get in. Okay. So let's keep going to the pets section. It is all about your friendly animals and your furry animals and your babies back home. This also includes plants, by the way. So actually, pets and plants, we should label this. It's arranging for someone, of course, to take care of them, the plants and other living things in your house while you're gone.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:09:46]:
But doing the check-in, tell them when do you want them to check-in with you. Do you want them to send you pictures or updates? Do all of that in this section, like the pets and living things that you're leaving behind section. That is not including that is not, you know, kids. I just mean more of the pets and plants and things like that. And just make sure that you you write down what you want the people that are visiting and taking care of those things to do while you're gone. Okay. Moving on to the personal. This is just all about your personal stuff, like, not business related or finance related or any of that.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:10:22]:
Like, this is the the you and or your loved ones that are going with you. Take care of any necessary medical appointments, of course, ahead of time. Look at your and. Make sure that nothing needs to be confirmed before you go. In today's age, a lot of the doctor offices are looking for you to confirm your appointment 48 hours, and hours, 24 hours in advance. And if you don't, they will cancel it. So take notice of that. Look at your calendar a week after you will be back and see if there's anything that you need you need to be confirming ahead of time, maybe before you leave Organized or while you're on vacation, make sure you set a reminder so that those things are taken care of.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:11:04]:
The next on our personal section here is stop your mail and newspaper or any deliveries from coming. You know, arrange for someone to pick them up, arrange for them to not come in and be held at the post office, whatever your arrangement needs to be. Take care of that so it doesn't pile up. It doesn't get damaged. And also just so that people don't, you know, don't see that you're out of town, they don't take it especially with packages and things like that. Make sure your home is secure by locking the doors and windows and setting up the security system. Put that on your checklist. I think sometimes we just go on on our daily day like, our daily routines, and we forget about our security systems that those also need to be charged.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:11:46]:
Maybe if there's a battery that needs to be charged for your cameras. Is there a special code that you need to do before you head out for a long period of time? If you do have a security system, let them know so that they're aware or and more diligent about the security that they may be giving you in your area. I know some of you have security systems where they'll do check ins in your home. So anything to do with the security of your home, make sure you do that ahead of time. And then the last on the personal section is for all of you who not like to come back to a nice clean home, make arrangements for that either you know, however you are going to clean your home, make it a reminder. Do that ahead of time. Don't get caught in the last minute frenzy of trying to do everything all at once. It's really stressful and not fun.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:12:36]:
So make arrangements to do that well ahead of time so that when you come back, it's nice and clean, if that's important to you. And The on the similar note, it's to empty the the fridge, you know, or, like, any perishable items. Take note of what's in your fridge. Throw it away if you think it's going to get damaged in your refrigerator or wherever you're storing it and make plans for that. Maybe somebody comes and picks it up. You throw it away and make sure that you don't miss trash day so that it doesn't just sit in your trash bin and get all stinky and smelly. So make plans for those perishable items. Okay.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:13:12]:
Let's move on to our business section. It's anything business or work related. The first is let your clients and business contacts know that you will be out and what to do in case they need you while you're gone. If, you have a backup, if you have The a plan of attack, if while you're out of town, what should they be doing? You can either do it from your out of office. I know a lot of people just will put it in the out of office instead of telling people ahead of time because at the end of the day, it's nobody's business and you don't need to be telling everybody what your plan is for vacations. But if you do have clients and business contacts looking for you and you did not tell them, then this is where the out of office will come in very handy so that when they do message you, when they do call you, they understand that you're not just ignoring them, that you are are out of office, and the next step is to do XYZ. For the last section of your checklist, we can call it other or other things to consider. Now this is where you will get to put in whatever is applicable to you and your circumstance and in in your household and space.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:14:18]:
But here are some of the suggestions that I have under other. and is make arrangements for someone to check on your home periodically to ensure that everything is working okay. I don't put this under the security or personal section because this is really more about checking in on your plumbing or if you live in a place where you're susceptible to freezes or hurricanes or big storms or wind gusts or whatever it may be. This is the section where you ask someone to come in just to check-in and make sure there's no Flamingo, that, you know, your house is okay. Maybe you live in an area where there's wild a lot of wildlife that can get into your house and space. So this is where, hey. You will ask someone to come in and just check-in and make sure that it's not getting invaded by the elements of the surroundings around you. Okay? So that's The sec this part.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:15:13]:
The other is arrange for your car, what to do with your car. Like, for someone or something or for somehow you to check-in on your car, such as storing it. Maybe you're going to take it into, you know, a storage facility. You will put it in your own storage and just making sure that it's okay, especially for those older cars or cars that need to get started every once in a while. Again, if you are susceptible to freezes or harsh weather patterns, you will wanna check-in on your car. So make arrangements for that. Probably The person that will check-in on the house, the plumbing and all of that that I just mentioned, probably this person could do it too. They can just quickly turn on the car, make sure that it's working okay.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:15:56]:
If you're heading out of town and out of the country, this is eve for a long period of time, this is even more important. Right? Because you will have no way of doing it yourself at all. I've got 2 more for you here under this other section, and that is to unplug or have a surge protector available for the electronics, especially the electronics that are important to you. This is 1 of those tips that you will need to determine what's important and what's not to you. You know, I can't decide that for you. For some people, the computers are going to be really important. And for some people, it's it is, but not really. Or your television that you saved up for, whatever that may be, just make sure it's protected, unplug it, and or have a surge protector.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:16:38]:
Some of you have, are equipped with that because you live in an area where there's natural activity like thunder like big storms and big freezes, so you are used to that. But if you're not and you don't need to be, then you don't need to worry about this section. But if you do, then heads up and put it on your checklist. This is a tip really quick that I learned a long time ago from a and, and she said that she would put a cup of water in the freezer and then if you know, put the coin on top. So a frozen ice cube ice cube, essentially, and then you put the coin on top. If the coin has sunk, you know that the fridge was out, was off for a long time, and the food may be bad. So that is for all of you who, you know, you never know. The electric company comes in and they have to do some work in your neighborhood and you had no idea that it was scheduled, so they turned off the electricity around there.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:17:34]:
Or maybe there was a cable that came down, you had no idea, you came back, everything was back up like nothing happened. You had no idea that your fridge was unplugged for 2 days. So this is a really good, I thought was a really good tip in this section. But whatever that may be, just make sure that you're aware that things can happen while you're away for a long period of time and just have some kind of checklist, some kind of way of of having a checklist so that when you come back, you feel good about preplanning a little bit. You don't have to be as stressed. You don't have to think about all these other things that that you could have prevented ahead of time if there was an emergency. So okay. That is the list for today.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:18:16]:
Let us know if this was helpful. I am putting in the show notes a a link to where you can find this list as well if you just kinda wanna really quickly print it out or go look at it somewhere else, because you didn't wanna write it down yourself. I I get The. Sometimes you're just you just need to have it in both formats. You're listening to it, but you also need a list. So I've compiled that for you. But the reason I didn't mention this when the episode started was because The checklists should be specific to you and your needs. I'm giving you our favorite tips here, but you should be able to pick and choose what is applicable to you.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:18:53]:
You don't have to write all of them down, so it doesn't just become more information you don't need. Just apply the ones that are important to you, the ones that you need to know, and make your checklist personable to you. Okay? So that's why I didn't mention it have ahead of time. But if you do want to start with The template, we do have 1. It's free, and it'll be in the show notes. That is it for our episode today. With that being said, happy travels, safe travels, enjoy your trip, and until next time, happy organizing. Thank you for listening to the Organized and productive podcast with The Organized Flamingo.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:19:30]:
If you enjoyed today's episode, I would love it if you'd leave a rating and review on your favorite podcast player. It helps with letting people know that we're here. For full show notes and resources, head on over to the Organized flamingo.com/podcast. Happy organizing.