Next Organize & Cherish Workshop—Feb.19 at 11:00am MT

Makeup Drawer/Bag Organizing

Makeup Drawer/Bag Organizing

Remember, makeup does not last forever! (they trap bacteria). Don't let your makeup drawer or bag get so\ full that you can't find your favorite or most utilized items. Here's a quick guide:

  • Lipstick – a year after you have opened it.
  • Eye Makeup (mascara, eyeliner) – every 3 months
  • Foundation/Primer – up to 2 years (keep it away from heat).
  • Perfume – as long as it still smells good! (keep it away from direct sunlight)
  • Blush – up to 2 years
  • Nail Polish – up to 2 years. (keep it away from direct sunlight or extreme weather)
  • TIP: if the makeup starts to smell or the liquid breaks apart, then it's probably no longer good.
  • TIP: Makeup's shelf life is USUALLY from the day you open it. Anything that is liquid or is holding moisture like foundation, has a much shorter shelf life, even if you kept it closed.
  • TIP: Natural beauty products may have a much shorter shelf life. Check the brand's website or the back of the container.

Pro Organizer Tips

  • Your every-day items should be kept separate from the items you only use for special occasions so that you can find things easily.
  • Utilize a makeup bag or container that has compartments for easy access. Like this one (I actually have one and LOVE IT!!):

Kindly, Stephanie

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