Next Organize & Cherish Workshop—Feb.19 at 11:00am MT

What Does A Professional Organizer Do?

One of our most popular questions when we say we are professional organizers, is: “what does a professional organizer do, exactly?”.

Depending on your industry, the description may differ. An association we belong to, NAPO (National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals), has a definition that is widely accepted so we'll share it here.

  • Professional Organizer supports evaluation, decision-making, and action around objects, space, and data; helping clients achieve desired outcomes regarding function, order, and clarity.
  • Productivity Consultant supports evaluation, decision-making, and action around time, energy, and resources; helping clients achieve desired outcomes regarding goals, effectiveness, and priorities.

We help gain order in our client's lives.

How we help you will come in many different ways.

We also decided to put it into a visual. A picture is worth a thousand words, so we think the best way to explain how a Professional Organizer differs from our industry peers is through a Venn diagram.

Many companies and organizers will only offer one type of service. They would rather you hire someone else to do certain tasks so they can do what they do best. Other companies will offer several services. Our skills and expertise can merge into several industries, so don't be surprised to see some of our work in different fields.

A couple of examples:

  • The Organized Flamingo is great at finding systems that work for your lifestyle and event. But we may not have the “eye” that an interior designer has and we don't do cleaning services.
  • An interior designer may have the “eye” to make it all look pretty but may need someone to help you get organized first. That way, they can spend the time making your home aesthetically pleasing.
  • A cleaning company may prefer that you tidy up before they come in. That way they don't waste time and money organizing when they'd rather spend that time focused on cleaning.
  • A moving company may be able to move you, but they won't pack and unpack you in an organized manner.

I hope that this blog post helps you determine what kind of service you need in your organizing journey. At The Organized Flamingo, we love #allthingsorganizing and would love to help you along the way. Send us a message by clicking HERE, read all about our services HERE or subscribe to our e-newsletter, The Lounge. The Lounge is full of happy organizing information delivered right to your inbox that will help you in your journey!

Happy Organizing!

Kindly, Stephanie