Next Organize & Cherish Workshop—Feb.19 at 11:00am MT

Organizing Paper

Did you know that Paper is almost 2,000 years old?

That is a long time for something to still be in use! And when something has been around that long, it's going to be hard to let it go.

Some of us have tried going digital by using a tablet, but we still seem to be using paper in some way or another.

With so much paper still in circulation and paper being part of our world, we can't ignore that it may end up in our space, and maybe a lot of it is currently in YOUR space right now.

For the purposes of this post, this is a discussion on paper (color, or otherwise), not filing paperwork, which is a different post that we will write about.

So let's talk about some modern day ways to organize all that paper! (after it's been organized into categories that make sense to you).

Storing your paper horizontally is best if you don't have sturdy dividers that will post the paper up. If your paper is bending over, it will keep that shape over time.

In a binder. Once you set up your filing system, put it in a well-labeled binder.

Drawers. A fast way to store paper is in a drawer. Remember, this is a place to store your paper AFTER you have a filing system. You can always shove them in here, but they won't just go away on their own! So BE CAREFUL to not just SHOVE it without a rhyme or reason.

Scanning. Scanning it could help your need to keep it. Another warning here, though. If you don't have a system and start scanning, it will be very expensive. Why? Because that scanned paper takes up virtual space someone has to pay for. You may get some free storage from your computer or a disk or the “cloud” but it's not limitless and at some point, you will have to pay for more storage. Have a plan.

Lastly, maybe it's time to let it go. This is one of those items that if you haven't needed it by now, you probably won't need it going forward. If you are nervous that something may be in between the papers, hire someone that will go through it with you. Commit to it, though. Don't just go through it and add it to another pile.

Kindly, Stephanie + The Organized Flamingo Team