Next Organize & Cherish Workshop—Feb.19 at 11:00am MT

Planning & Organizing Rooms on Clubhouse (w/Co-Moderators)

What is Clubhouse?

  • Clubhouse is a new type of social network based on voice – where people around the world come together to talk, listen and learn from each other in real-time (

I like to refer Clubhouse as a combination of a podcast, radio, and a conference. There is the main hallway, you browse topics you are interested in listening in on, contributing to or you can start your very own conversation or room.

There is so much to learn about the app, so we are only going to focus on elements of the app we believe we can help you with within our area of expertise, which is #allthingsorganizing.

A part of Clubhouse we can help you with is how to plan and organize your very own room. Our goal with these posts is to help you organize the information that is coming at you fast and create actionable tasks for you.

Follow the steps below to help you navigate your ideas and organize your contacts and follow-ups.

If you have a room topic and/or idea already continue to “Pit Stop #1”. If you don't have a specific topic yet, but you have general ideas, head over to “Road Bump #1”.

Pit Stop #1: You have a room topic idea already

  • Visit a Co-Mod Room Casting Call or a Pitching Room. Basically, go to any room where the topic of discussion centers around finding co-moderators. This is the fastest way to find someone because the people in this room are ready to co-moderate. Not a lot of “fluff” warm chat to be done here. Straight to the point.
  • You can also message people directly via Instagram or Twitter.
  • Decide how many moderators you think you want and/or need. It's always best to have more than one in the event there are technical difficulties.
  • Schedule it:
    • Pick a date and time that works for you and make that the scheduled time and tell the people you contacted or when you announce it when it will be to avoid back and forths (don't forget to state what time zone you are in)
    • If you want to work together on picking a date and time, send a scheduling poll such as instead of going back and forth via email. That tends to be where people get stuck.
    • Once you reach the number of co-moderators you were looking for, you are all set. Schedule your room! (Don't forget to write a description of the room, come up with an informative title and share it on your social media ahead of time)

Road Block #1: You don't have a specific topic yet

  • If you've been scouting people that you think you have a connection with and/or want to do a room with them, message them and tell them you don't know what topic to discuss but outline your areas of expertise in the message. If you just want to help them in a room, tell them that. The point though is for you to have an actionable ask in your message. I would not recommend you messaging people or announcement that you don't have a topic because there is no action there.
  • If you have people interested in co-moderating a room after you message them, schedule it:
    • Pick a date and time that works for you and make that the scheduled time and tell the people you contacted or when you announce it when it will be to avoid back and forths (don't forget to state what time zone you are in)
    • If you want to work together on picking a date and time, send a scheduling poll such as instead of going back and forth via email. That tends to be where people get stuck.
    • Once you reach the number of co-moderators you were looking for, you are all set. Schedule your room! (Don't forget to write a description of the room, come up with an informative title and share it on your social media ahead of time)

Road Block #2: You have no topic but know that you want to start a room

  • Download our FREE CH Co-Mod Notes Templates HERE and start taking notes of people and topics of interest. Now you have a consolidated place where you wrote down who is catching your interest and topics that are interesting to you. Once you are ready to reach out to people, do so.

We hope these tips helped you get more organized while on Clubhouse. Now you are on your way to Moderating your Clubhouse Room!

Happy Organizing!

Kindly, Stephanie