You've heard the sayings “size doesn’t/does matter” or “it’s what you do with it that matters”. As kitschy and funny as those saying sound, they also apply to how you plan your organizational projects! Determine if your project is “small” “medium” or “large” in size. This will help you determine how much help you need so you don’t find yourself overwhelmed in the middle of the project and/or don’t finish because it became “too” much. Here is a quick snapshot of what each of the project sizes entails:
Small Projects:
Small: you can do it yourself and it will take you less a day, regardless of how many hours it will take you. If you think it will have to break it down to two days, it's no longer a “small” project. Small projects are the ones you can finish without interruptions. Think: organizing 1-3 junk drawers or organizing your purse.
Medium Projects:
Medium: Projects that will take you more than one day, regardless of hours or more than 6 hours in a day (because this means you will have to start-stop-start). These are the projects that you can probably do on your own but just take longer. Think: organizing your closet or a dinner party for 8-10.
Large Projects:
Large Projects: These are the projects that may require you to ask for help from either a professional installer or a member of your household. These projects will require multiple days and/or multiple people to make a decision (like asking your children/spouse/roommate/coworker for permission to throw something away). Think: organizing the entire kitchen or basement or a wedding.
So as you begin planning out your projects, take a moment to look around be honest about how big your project is, it'll set you up for success!
Kindly, Stephanie