Next Organize & Cherish Workshop—Feb.19 at 11:00am MT

64: Outdoor Organizing: Transitioning Between Cold and Warm Weather

This week we have a quick and actionable episode where we shared valuable tips on changing your outdoor space from one season to another with a focus on decluttering and organizing. We walk you through the 7 steps of organizing almost anything, providing practical insights and advice on assessing your outdoor belongings, sorting and categorizing items, decluttering, finding homes for your items, and using containers. 

Whether you're looking for product recommendations or guidance on a specific item, we are here to help you make the most of your seasonal organizing. So, get ready to be inspired and motivated to create a system that works for you. If you're ready to dive into the world of outdoor organizing and productivity, then let's get started. Happy organizing!

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In this episode we talk about:

  • The importance and how to of goal setting in your organizing journey
  • Maximizing your outdoor and seasonal spaces
  • Creating checklists

Mentioned in this Episode:

Episode 004: A New Decluttering Mindset: Seasonal Decluttering

Episode 001: 7 Steps to organize almost anything episode


The Organized & Productive podcast is brought to you by The Organized Flamingo and hosted by Stephanie Y. Deininger! For those of you who love the thought of organizing & being more productive, but don’t know where to start or constantly up against hurdles that don’t let you advance the way you want to, this podcast is for you!

Review full show notes and resources at

Review the Transcript:

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:00:00]:
Welcome to the Organized and Productive podcast with The Organized Flamingo. I am your host, Stephanie, a professional organizer and productivity expert. Ready to explore the right organizing and productivity solutions for you? Yeah? Well, then let's go. Hey, organized and productive listeners and community. Welcome to one of our quick and actionable episodes, where if you're unfamiliar, we, here, will just give you some actionable tips on today's topic. Basically, just so that you can go and take action. So this is not more this is not like the research. This isn't really long winded.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:00:37]:
This is like quick and easy. Get to it, take some action, and then let me know if you have any questions. Okay. So that's what kind of episode we're having today. And today's theme is all about changing from the and season to another more specific from the cold weather to this, the warm weather for your outside stuff. So organizing the outside outdoor stuff and how to declutter, how to organize it as you're changing from and season to another. So that's what I'm doing today. I usually, like today I will be giving you our table of contents, our what to expect from the episode.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:01:15]:
So basically I am going through our 7 steps of organizing almost anything in a very quick format. If you're unfamiliar, we do have a framework at the Organized Flamingo. You don't have to follow it, but it's helpful, you know? So I will be putting the episode on that in the show notes. If you'd like to follow along and, and learn more about The, our and steps of organizing almost anything. And so today's episode follows that framework, how to organize and clear out, your outdoor stuff as you get ready for, you know, you know, from one weather to another pattern, like weather pattern. So here we go. I'm gonna go through it really quick. And of course, as always, I'm here to answer questions.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:01:58]:
If you are organizing your outdoor stuff, let us know, please tag us. I'd love to see your space and encourage you in your organizing journey. So, all right, here we go. 1st, we are tackling the assess step and how you can apply this to your out outdoor belongings. In the assess step, which is step number 1 and should never be missed. It's where you just just kind of step back for a minute and look at what you have. So when it comes to your outdoor stuff, you probably have not looked at it for, you know, since last season, probably last fall. Of course, it depends on where you live and the weather pattern and some of you, you know, it depends like the warm, weather, consistently warm weather type of states and areas.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:02:49]:
You probably looked at it, you know, not too long ago, but for the most part, probably not since last fall. Right? So it's been a while. So this is a moment where you get to step back, look at what you have as you have everything laid out, or you're looking at your garage or your shed or your outdoor items, and you're starting to open the doors, take everything out, take note of what you have and what you don't and that you need. This is a great opportunity to do a checklist for the things that you you are needing. So when you are looking at the sales out there, like on the, you know, at the store, the consignment store, maybe online marketplaces, you can now start shopping around for what it is you need. And the reason we do the assess step first is because in the and steps of organizing almost anything, I ask you a very important question, and that is what is your goal for organizing this space? Why is it that you're trying to declutter? Why is it that you're trying to get this place so that it feels better, more organized, or more tidy? Having a goal is super important because if you don't, you can start to get wrapped up in the making it look pretty or decluttering. Like, every single one of those actions are very different. And it can get overwhelming if you don't have a plan or a reason to even be organizing.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:04:22]:
And maybe this year, you don't even need to organize. Maybe it's fine. It works just fine. You can find what you need when you need it as efficiently as possible. And, therefore, you know what? You don't need to do anymore. Maybe now you're in the maintain space, in the maintain step, which is step number the last step, like number 7, where you're just really now maintaining what you already worked on. So that is why it's so important to have an assessing question. Like, what is it that I'm trying to do to begin with? So you don't get too overwhelmed.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:04:56]:
Okay. So I just gave you a couple of tips on that. Make a checklist of what you have, what you don't, what you need, think about what it is that you're trying to achieve. Are you trying to just just, you know, clear it out, downsize? Do you have a new garden that you're starting, a new project that you're starting? What is the goal? So that is step number 1 and my biggest tip for you. As you start taking stock of your belonging, you have your belongings and you're doing this whole assess step, this is also a really good time for you to start your checklist for next year. And this is, like, the the step, you know, like, the assess 2 point o, for all of you who you know what? Like, you're you're in The space now. Why don't you just take advantage for you know, to take, like, a a checklist for next year? Like, take advantage of the moment that everything is out anyway and get prepared for this year, but also next year. So if you're ready for that, start taking, action over your checklist.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:05:56]:
So this is a really good opportunity for next year. So this will be all part of the step number 1, which is assess. Let's go onto our and tip. Okay. So steps 2 through 5 or in this case, tips number 2 through 5 can be interchanged depending on your goal. So step number 1 always comes first and should always be done, which is setting up your goal, stepping back, and just assessing your space. And depending on the goal is where the next steps will go, like, which of the next steps will go next. I typically like to to go to sort as the next step as a default because that just tends to be the quickest and most actionable step.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:06:41]:
But if you are trying to make your space just better looking, more visually attractive, maybe you're moving, maybe you're downsizing, then you will need to alter and adjust the next three steps, so that it fits your goal. Okay? So you will you know, remember, just we have a whole episode on steps on on the and of these steps in the show notes. So listen to that if you're wondering what that means. So that's that's how I'm going to approach it, but I am going to just approach it with the next step being the sort. And the sort step is all about sorting through your stuff and putting it into categories that make sense to you. One of the first ones that I always like to sort things from is or through is, of course, by category, like your garden or depending on what your hobbies are. Right? Like outdoor, indoor hobbies. Not everybody is a garden person necessarily.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:07:37]:
You just may be doing maintenance. Maybe you're more of a leisure type of, warm weather person where, really, you just have the chairs and the cushions and things like that, and you don't really need the rake or the garden stuff. So maybe you can you'll separate under indoor outdoor. Maybe you will separate under the categories of your section of the sections of your garden or your outdoor space, whatever that may be. And if you need ideas on categories, just send us a message or go to our Instagram because I'm always giving you tips on category and labeling and sorting ideas on our Instagram. So just head on over there. Okay. So one of the biggest tips here is consider storing outdoor, like storing maybe, like, organizing The outdoor items closer to the exit.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:08:28]:
So if you're organizing it in your garage, then place the items that typically are going to be outdoors closer to the exit to closer to the garage door exit. Same you know, or whatever space it is. Like, for some of you, it's the mudroom or the shed. So anything that always needs to be outside closer to the exit. 1st, put it in The back because there's nothing worse than having to reach for the one thing you need all the way in the back of the shed or or the garage, and, you know, having to do that over and over. So under the sorting and categorizing, put sections that just make more sense, the less steps to get them, the the better. So yeah. So that's number 2, tip in section, the sword.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:09:17]:
The third is The declutter. This is a great time to declutter. I have a whole episode on The, on seasonal decluttering, which means that when you're taking stuff out for the new season, it's a great time for you to take pictures and inventory of your stuff because it's out anyway. Right? So great opportunity. I put the link to this this episode in the show notes, where I talk all about tips on what to do when you're transitioning from 1 season and season to another, and how you can take advantage of that moment to declutter and Organized little bit better. One of my biggest tips here is what I just mentioned, which was, taking pictures and inventory of your stuff and posting it online or selling it or for free or giving it away, because it's already out. So let's take advantage of that moment. And plus, it probably will sell or go much faster because it's in season as opposed to off season.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:10:14]:
So if you can definitely take advantage of that. Alright. So for the next two steps, the first is finding a home for everything, and then the one number 5 is using containers. The are there are 2 different actions if you're not aware. Finding a home for everything just means that it is the space or area where the items will live. It's it's just the space. Whereas The container is all about the boundary. And when we say containers, it's just an overview term that talks about boundaries of the items.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:10:45]:
Like, where will where will it be hosted, hold it together? The it could be a bin. It could be a beautiful clear bin or basket basket that you have, or it could simply be a cardboard box. Whatever that may be, it's a container. It's contained. Whereas The home is just the area of the house or the home or the space or the in this case, the outdoor space, where it will live maybe in the shed or drawer. Like, it's that's its home, but that's not its container per se. So are you comfortable with where it's at right now? I mentioned, above that or down above, but previously The this is a great opportunity to put the items where it's easiest to get them in and out. If you live in an area where, let's say, you have outdoor items like umbrellas, chairs, cushions, tables that you like to take in and out, maybe in, you know, where it's bad weather, it's raining, you need to you need to bring it in, you may maybe need to put the covers on your chairs.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:11:45]:
Those are the things that you will want to play strategically closer to the exit so that you can get to it faster, because that is where it would, you know, make more the most sense. Now if you have a container that you're keeping outside, that is the next step. Right? Like The container where it's actually stored. So those are the differences between finding a home for the item and then finding the perfect container for it. Of course, this I hope, you know, I have a couple of have it, like, an entire Amazon page storefront that is called outdoor space organizing, and you can head on over there. I give you some ideas on what kind of bins are great for outdoor. You wanna look for all weather. You want to make sure that it's sturdy, things like that.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:12:30]:
So I have a whole list for that in on the Amazon storefront. This is also the section where I always mention and think about your vertical space. I'll give you a great example. We have a bike, pulley system in our garage. So you can just pulley your bicycle up and down. It's super easy to load on it. You just put the handlebars and the seat on these clips, and then you pulley all the way up so that the bicycles are up, and they're easy to get to. I mean, I do not I don't like getting heavy things from the top shelving.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:13:04]:
I think that's very, it's not it's just not a good idea. But a pulley system of well put together installed pulley system will do wonders. So always think about your vertical space. And, that way, you know, you can take advantage of all that space, especially if you have tall ceilings, like, in your garage or something like that. This is a great opportunity to think about that. So let's talk about containers for for just a second, especially for outdoor containers where you would put your decorations or your garden stuff or whatever the outdoor items are. This is the part where I need to mention to look at ventilation. Make sure that the the bins or containers you're putting the stuff in has appropriate ventilation for the item.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:13:50]:
Now this episode is a very broad episode on what to think about and tips on outdoor organizing as you're getting ready for the new season. But if you have specific questions, let me know. For instance, if you are storing your garden items, you might you you probably will need better airflow versus if you're storing, let's say, you know, outdoor toys. But, also, if you're storing swim or swimming, lake, pool, water and of things. You also need something that has good ventilation so it doesn't, you know, just stay in a stagnant type of container. So think about those things so that you can easily get to it. Yes. But, also, it doesn't ruin the things that you're trying to put away and maintain and keep in good shape.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:14:39]:
So think about that. Also in containers, this is the part where personal pref preference will come into play with clear containers versus sealed containers that just have really good labels. If The will be sealed, I would highly recommend that you do some kind of label system, label process. That could be a sticky note with tape. Have at it. The the whole point of Organized, though, is to find the things you need as efficient when you need it as efficiently as possible. So, you know, for some people, they're more visual people. They need pictures of what is inside the bin.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:15:19]:
For other people, they just need a quick little note, a QR code, whatever it may be. So whatever that label system looks like for you, great, but just be consistent with it and make sure that it's, it's helping you look for the things that you need when you need them as opposed to it just being, you know, like a label that makes no sense to you. So, think about that when it comes to containers. And this is especially helpful also. This is especially helpful if you will have items stored away for a long period of time. So not just every season, but let's say you are actually going you know, you don't need it all the time. It's it it's as needed. So let's say you don't always go to the pool.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:16:05]:
You really just go get the things, not only seasonally, but within the season, on a need be basis. So this is super important to make that label system work for you so that you can find the things you need when you need them. All right, everybody. So that's it. That's it for today's episode. Quick and easy. I hope this inspires you to create a system that works for you. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to message me.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:16:31]:
If there's a product that you would like me to look into, if there's a recommendation that you need, let me know. Sometimes these episodes, you know, I make them as broad as possible, but also just getting as like niche as possible. So today's episode, the theme was all about outdoor spaces, but if you have a very particular type of item that you're looking for recommendations or things or spaces, let me know because I don't know. And unless you tell me, so please let me know so that I can answer your questions. I hope this helped. When you can follow these types of tips, you can keep the items in good shape. You can find the things that you need when you need them as efficiently as possible, and also get the most value out of the items when you know what you have, and then you can either upcycle or resell it or donate it. So, so many great things about seasonal decluttering, seasonal organizing The, that you can be taken advantage of.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:17:28]:
So get into those spaces that you hardly ever get into. Send us a picture. I'd love to cheer you on. And don't forget. We do have our and on 1 strategy calls. So if you need to come up with a plan on the stuff that you're working with and you have, and you've inherited, and now you are in possession of, and you don't know what to do with it. We have and on 1 90 minute calls where we can talk about what you have, go over it and come up with a plan that's actionable, easy to follow and not overwhelming at all. So give us a call, send them us a message.

Stephanie Y. Deininger [00:18:02]:
We're here for you with, for your organizing and productivity needs until next week. Happy organizing. Thank you for listening to the Organized and Productive podcast with The Organized Flamingo. If you enjoyed today's episode, I would love it if you'd leave a rating and review on your favorite podcast player. It helps with letting people know that we're here. For full show notes and resources, head on over to the Organized Happy organizing.