Frequently Asked Questions

What does ‘The Organized Flamingo' do?

We provide tools and services that will help busy people be and stay more organized. Sometimes that's organizing your home office, sometimes it's your closet, and sometimes it helping you organize an event.

We like to say that we help busy people find their own paradise within their home, office, and life.

Why the flamingo?

Being and staying organized isn't a one time task, it's a lifestyle. Stephanie, the Founder, wanted to build a brand that adapted to the times. But you don't have to do it alone, much like the flamingos. Flamingos rely on their flock, or community, for survival. There, it became a symbol for her that no matter what chapter of life you are in, you can adapt and you don't have to do it alone.

What's the difference between a cleaning company, an interior designer, and a professional organizer?

We get this question a lot so we wrote a full blog post about it. CLICK HERE to read more.

Ok, I need some organization in my life, how do I get started?

Pretty easy. Schedule a call HERE, then we'll come up with a plan and go from there!

Please note that we do not do site unseen projects. We have to have a call and either a visit or video call to understand your needs better.